Fresh Eyes

Advertising in Schools: A New Way to Increase Revenue

This post is published as a Web extension of our August 2012 Education Issue – our annual blow-out of all things educational. To read it in full, visit our e-store to purchase a copy or subscription.

By Clarissa Williams, Editorial Intern

Because of the current state of the economy, it is becoming harder to fund public schools. Due to this, many schools are being forced to cut costs in many areas, ultimately making it harder to keep teachers in the classroom. In an effort to counter the decreasing funds, schools are beginning to allow more advertisements to be posted in the hallways and classrooms in hopes of bringing in more revenue.

Here are several advertising options schools are using in order to increase their income (List provided by USAToday).

CollegeInvest signed a three-year deal to advertise on children’s report cards in the Jefferson County Public School District southwest of Denver.

The well-known drug store chain CVS, advertised for its flu shot campaign with posters at football games, school entrances and in districts e-newsletters, at schools in Virginia and Florida.

Staples, the store known to cater to all your office supply needs, will be sponsoring a school supply list this fall, in several California and Texas school districts. They will be providing parents with coupons that have been printed on Staples-branded paper.

Advertising in schools may not totally raise funding in the immediate future; however it is allowing many schools to make progress in terms of budget and keeping teachers where they should be; in the classroom. After all, every little bit counts in improving the futures of children across the country.

**What are your thoughts on advertising in schools?


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