Fresh Eyes

Introducing AT’s 2014 Intern

Erin Gloster

Winter/Spring George A. Lottier Scholarship Golf Foundation Intern

Erin Gloster is a junior at Spelman College, majoring in English, minoring in sociology, and a member of the Ethell Wadell Githii Honors Program. Being a Midwest native, born in Rochester, Minnesota, but raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, the move to the south was a change of pace. As a second-generation Spelmanite, Erin has adapted to the strong culture of an HBCU and participates in many organizations and events across the campus. She is currently the interim managing editor for Spelman’s newspaper, The BluePrint, and has also worked as a section editor and writer for the newspaper. She is also a member of SKIRTS (Sisters Keeping It Real Through Service), a service organization at Spelman College that participates in community service activities multiple times a week. Her favorite and most impactful service is the mentoring of middle-school girls in the metro-Atlanta area, which she does every week. Erin has travelled to many locations around the world, with her favorite destination being Paris, France, as one of her passions is art history. Erin enjoys reading, writing, art history, painting, traveling and anything athletic, specifically playing soccer. Ultimately, her goal is to become a journalist for a popular newspaper or print magazine. With two younger sisters, Erin hopes to become a role model for them through her hard work and pathway to success.

As the Editorial Intern, Erin is responsible for producing daily “Top News” blog posts and occasional specialized blog posts. She also participates in the editing process and is responsible for conceptualizing and writing the following pages within the print magazine: “Intro”, “People”, “HigherLearning”, “TechByte”, the “Weekender” and the “Calendar”.



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