
You’ve Got C.L.A.S.S.

By Ramese Long

You said you wanted to get in shape this year, not me. By now you’ve quit or you’re on the verge of quitting just like last year. My question to you is, “did you hold yourself accountable? If so, how?” Let’s take a leap of faith and conclude the answer is “yes.” Let’s examine your accountability tool.

First, nice job. You realized a shortcoming needed to be addressed by identifying obstacles which is the key to your success on this fitness ride. If you dig deeper, you’ll see the need to continually reexamine your obstacles and get out of your comfort zone. For example, if you’ve used tools such as calorie trackers and pedometers in the past to hold you accountable…it’s time to move.

Both of them are great tools, however, calorie trackers and pedometers are like the suburbs of fitness accountability. It’s time to move to the city and get in the mix of things. Using social media is an excellent way to hold yourself accountable because people will be watching and your ego won‘t allow you to quit. You may or may not achieve your goal on your timeframe, but using this tool by putting your “business” out there makes it significantly harder to stop your journey all together. That is accountability for 2014! Which brings me to today’s lesson…The C.L.A.S.S. Reunion Fitness Challenge!

School is in. This uses the power of social media to hold everyone involved accountable, coupled with a massive support system. Most people who use social media have reconnected with a significant amount of their high school friends. In addition to your social reconnection, your high school reunion is a highlight of your life whether you loved it, hated it or didn’t go. With that being said how many of us began working out or started working out a little harder as the reunion got closer? I’m guilty too. We’re going to take this social reconnection and ego-driven motive and make it work for us.

Accountability tools such as a workout partner or personal trainer are among the most undervalued aspects of fitness. Of course, after 22 years as a personal trainer, I am a little biased but it’s true. A workout partner or trainer holds you accountable when you’re having whiny moments such as this one. Not everyone can afford a trainer so I will help you be your own personal maintainer.

Let’s talk some truth and get to the bottom of why you want to quit. More than likely, you are not structuring the time to do what you said you were going to do when 2014 began. Laziness sounds better than accountability at the moment. Not this year! The C.L.A.S.S. Reunion Fitness Challenge is for those of us who are Completely Lazy And Seeking Support!

Having a support system to keep you moving forward along with some competition never hurts. The challenge is simple. Reach out to a classmate or create small groups of classmates and challenge each other using social media posts to monitor each challenge. What kind of challenges? A challenge can be whatever you decide. Don’t over think it. Who can do the most pushups in a day? Record, post and set a deadline. Who can do the most miles on the treadmill for a week? Record, post and set a deadline. You can take it further and challenge other schools, alumni, 30-day/90-day challenges, etc. Fitness can be fun when you implement a variety of tools, in this case, connection and competition. Use the reconnection of your lifelong friends to your advantage. If you don’t have a workout partner or a personal trainer then get your classmates to cheer you on. Class dismissed.

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