By Ramese Long
All of us want to be happy. The question is: how do you get there? Let’s start by looking at two very distinct categories — money and your health.
First, we’ll tackle what most of us think will bring us the ultimate joy . . . M-O-N-E-Y! Imagine your life as if money was not an issue; however, you’re an overweight diabetic. You have no mortgage, no car payments, no student loans and your American Express card has a balance only because you’re “too busy” relaxing at the beach, eating chocolate and sipping Mimosas. Create that reality in your mind and produce the elation in your body of money being no object. The subtle breeze gently flows through your hair as you soak in the rays with your special someone when the elation you felt shortly turns to an unusual feeling. Shortness of breath, blurred vision, tightness in your chest … You’re having a heart attack and just for fun a stroke is not too far behind because you’ve ignored the warnings from your doctor that you need to get your cholesterol levels under 200. Still happy?
Now, I know this turn of events just ruined your mental vacation and shocked you. Good. I did it deliberately because that could be your existence. One moment you could be having the time of your life and the very next you could be fighting for your life. Would that be out of the realm of reality if you’re overweight, a diabetic, have high cholesterol, or sit in front of a computer all day with little physical activity? Reality starting to kick in yet?
Let’s flip the coin and take a glance at your health. Imagine you are in excellent physical condition by any doctor’s standards. I’m not talking about having six-pack abs or nice legs, I’m talking about external and internal health. Feeling alive, vibrant and waking up each morning with passion for life as you anxiously await what each day will bring; living in the now! Which of the two scenarios is more appealing to you? Now, I know what some of your are saying … “I’ll take the money and risk the heart attack,” but I say this, ask someone who’s experienced a heart attack or stroke and see what they say.
The point is this, your health is the only thing you control that can permanently enhance your life and contribute to overall happiness. Money, you can get used to or lose very quickly. Remember the impact of the recession in 2008? Good health will not only enhance your well being but can contribute to the wealth you so desire. How? It’s very simple; you feel better, you do better, you do better, and everything gets better. You know this rings true in your spirit, so why continue to act as if your health can be put on the back burner? You spend all day working to make money, but are you really enjoying what you work so hard for?
One last test … put your hand over your heart. Feel it beating. We often focus on the outside while we ignore what is really going on inside of us. Keep your hand over your heart … feel it beating … connect with it. I assume you would agree your heart is the number one organ in your body. What if it stopped? I can tell you this; you wouldn’t be able to spend all the money you work so hard for.
I say all of this not to be dark, but to open the curtain so you can see the light. We often run from what is true because we fear the unknown. Here are your choices — continue on your path of procrastination and spend all your money on medical bills or do someTHIN!
You decide.
Health and prosperity produces you. Be H.A.P.P.Y.