
Network, Network, Network: 5 Tips for Effective Networking

By Clarissa Williams

Due to the current state of the job market, people are finding it more difficult to find and keep jobs. Networking has always been one of the best methods for finding a job; however, the problem is that many people do not know how to do it effectively. Here are five networking tips that may help you in the near future.

Don’t misuse the Internet

With all the many social networking sites, people find it easier to just interact with people online. However, it is easy for people to ignore you on the Internet by deleting emails on purpose or accidentally. Yahoo Finance suggests that it is better to meet people face-to-face; that way it will make it harder for them to forget you.

Don’t be vague

Make sure that you inform any potential employee about your strengths, interests, and specific goals for growth within your career. It is also important and can be helpful to ask questions. When meeting an influential person for the first time, ask questions about their company so they know that you are interested; this could also possibly encourage them to contact you in the future.

Don’t stop

Even after you’ve found a job it is important to keep networking. You never know when you might need the results from your networking again. Make sure to stay in touch by sending updates about your career and accomplishments.

Don’t be selfish

It is always beneficial to network for your own goals; however, according to Yahoo! Finance, this can be a mistake. It is important to also network for your contacts. For instance, before a meeting make sure to research the contact’s business and their challenges and then be able to provide some type of solution based on your own experience and knowledge.

Don’t misuse your network

Daily or even weekly emails that contain updates, your references, and contact information can lead to what Yahoo! Finance refers to as a “burnout.” Continuously badgering people with too much contact can make them feel overwhelmed and annoyed, and as a result, they may end their contact with you. While it is important to stay connected with people, make sure to not “over-connect.”

These five networking tips can be key elements to helping any person find a job; from college level to adult level. If you are having trouble finding a job try networking; it could be the one thing that gets your foot in the door.

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