
The Editor’s View: Why We Love Atlanta

By Katrice L. Mines, Editor

Atlanta is being called the foodie capital of the South. It’s a moniker that wouldn’t be difficult to reconcile on the strength of its soul food offerings alone. But, it’s bigger than that because of a new era in Atlanta dining – thanks to the migration of some of the nation’s top chefs to the southeast. What’s drawing them? A chance to put their spin on what the region is known for: good old southern comfort food. No. 10 on Zagat’s 26 Hottest Food Cities for 2016, the new kid on the block is quietly moving up the ranks of destinations for taste connoisseurs. While quantity has never been an issue, it’s the quality of choice that has begun to make the metro area competitive with cities in the north and western portions of the United States. Enter: Empire South’s Alabama Crab Salad with tepache, miners lettuce, garlic blossoms and pan di mie.

Chefs G. Garvin and Marvin Woods are lauded fixtures who have achieved national acclaim. But they aren’t alone. This month, along with Garvin, we go deeper into the industry with chefs Deborah VanTrece, Marco Shaw and Todd Richards who share their culinary perspectives as well as their outlooks on the field at large.

Also, in this issue we take you through the city as foodies of every sort – from cooks to entrepreneurs, bloggers and eaters – guided us. And we’re ready to eat.

I feel pretty confident in saying – if you’re still deciding where you’ll eat based on the best rendition of shrimp and grits, you’ve got some restaurant hopping to do. AT

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