
The City of Atlanta Resumes Enforcement of On-street Parking

Cars parked on the urban street side

The City of Atlanta Resume Enforcement of On-street Parking

Effective immediately, the City of Atlanta Department of Transportation will resume enforcement of on-street parking.

Motorists should comply with all posted parking signs. Parking payment options can be made at the meters or via smart phone using the parking the apps. The enforcement will resume for all pay stations, parking meters and permit parking.

As part of our commitment to protecting the Atlanta community, the City of Atlanta is offering customers a free hour of parking when using the Passport, Parkmobile or SpotAngels mobile payment apps. Download the Passport, Parkmobile or SpotAngels mobile payment apps through the App Store or Google Play. Use the promo code TOUCHLESS when starting a transaction. Remember to utilize these apps when supporting local business.

For more information on using mobile parking apps in downtown Atlanta visit

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