Michelangelo’s: Death of a Bistro
by Geoffrey P. Jones
Summer like a fever broke… And a sigh of
Relief is expelled by the seven million people
Who live here in this restless city… As a crisp
October breeze arrives from someplace out
West… As the valet parks my car with casual
Inattention while flicking a cigarette on the
Pavement… He hands me a ticket without
A smile even though he has known me for
This will be the last supper as a wrecking ball
Is poised to crush and crumble this place in a
Matter of days… The valet and I share the
Misery… As each of us wrestle with the certain
Knowledge that this trove of memories will
Come tumbling down and disappear forever
Like so many other sacred places in this town…
Places that have been torn down and replaced
By something that is shiny and new… Progress
Is subjective and is often disrespectful of the
Angie and Nick greet me at the front door
With great ceremony and a hint of sadness
For they know that the end is near… I value
The greeting… Very few things feed a man’s
Ego more than being recognized the moment
He arrives… My friends escort me to my favorite
Table in the Red Room for the very last time…
A black lacquered Steinway is staged near a
Giant oak that grows through the roof in an
Alcove near the bar from which a Martini
Will soon be requisitioned and delivered
To my table… Familiar melodies earn their
Escape from the Steinway… I smile at the
Piano player… His name is Benjamin… He has
Played here since the sixties in obscurity that
He seems to enjoy… Playing whatever he
Wants… All while creating a mood where
Music isn’t heard as much as it is felt… Music
With barely a trace…
A fireplace with an elaborate mantle cradles
Dying embers that will be brought back to life
With kindling and a match… Bottles of wine…
Chianti… Brunello… Amarone… Reside on
Tabletops where diners dine and the posers
Pose… A beveled mirror reflects back the light
From the chandelier that hangs from the ceiling
In the center of the room… An unscented candle
Burns next to an open menu that is displayed
Like a travelogue on an easel… Vintage street
Art and Tuscan landscapes cling to walls covered
In red satin fabric with serpentine strands of
Gold… I know the menu by heart…
A Martini is brought to my table by a waitress
I have not seen before… She could not possibly
Know the history I have here… Children were
Christened in this room…And anniversaries were
Celebrated… And mothers were feted with roses
And champagne in May…
It is at this very table where my grandmother
Sat quietly one spring afternoon not long after
MJ passed away… Married sixty-three years…
She would go on to live another decade without
Him… She never fully recovered… But she would
Insist that we return to this table every spring…
It is here that my wife and I had our first date…
All dressed up like adults, but we were kids… I
Saved nickels and dimes for weeks and still came
Up short… I borrowed a few bucks from a friend
So I could cover the tab… In a sense, this is where
We began…
The Red Room is filled with familiar faces… The
Gentry is out on the town tonight… A local
Pastor with a Sunday morning TV show is sitting
Across the room… He’s sincere but confused…
I’ve listened to his message, but it rings untrue…
His faith is transactional… Prayer in exchange
For good fortune instead of prayer for the sake
Of prayer… Negotiating with God… Horse trading
With deities… This gospel of prosperity makes
Little sense to me… A quid for a quo… It’s
Provisional… “I’ll pray as long as my prayers are
Answered”… Really…
The mayor is seated at a table in the far corner
Of the room with a young staffer who stares at
Him with starry eyes… You can tell there is some
Heavy politicking going on, but I try not to jump
To conclusions… Hizzoner slowly pushes his way
From the table in the warm afterglow of an
Agreeable meal… He grabs the young staffer’s
Ass with impunity as though he owns her… You
Can tell she doesn’t like this very much, but she
Doesn’t utter a word…
There is a small gathering near the trellis outside
Where a young couple weds in the twilight… A
Dozen guests bear witness to the joy… I admire
The beauty of the ceremony… But I resent the
Passage of years…And the brevity of my life and
Times… It’s a longing for that which can no longer
Be touched… They’re just beginning… And well…
I’m not… I want more…
I catch a glimpse of my father near the bar… He’s
Gone now twenty-two years but I’ll be damned
If I don’t see him… We had a spot over there
Next to the wine room where bottles of all sizes
And shapes are stored with care… We’d meet
Here for drinks every Thursday night… We’d talk…
We would laugh… We’d bicker and fight over
Something stupid I may have said… And so it is
With fathers and sons… But our squabbles always
Ended in laughter…
You can catch a glimpse of the boulevard through
French doors that stretch from the floor to
The ceiling on either side of the fireplace… Ah…
There it is… The Montrose… In all its defiance…
As decadent or dignified as it needs to be to satisfy
The wants and the whims of anyone who visits…
Every great city has a Montrose of its own… This
Is ours… Both carnal and chaste…
A squad of vaping Goths with body piercings
And exquisite tattoos gather near the Chinese
Embassy while harshly judging a tuxedoed couple
Climbing the stairs to Maxim’s… The couple looks
Back at the Goths with scorn… A disheartened
Doorman overcomes the monotony of greeting
People with a smile… He stares at the Goths and
The couple with equal disdain… He knows that
But for a minor wrinkle here… Or a subtle twist of
Fate there… That everyone is essentially the
A traffic light splashes color on the street… A
Theatre marquee flashes the title of a foreign
Movie that no one is sure how to pronounce…
A cop casts a wary eye at the Goths while
Assuming they’re up to no good… The power
Couple disappears into Maxim’s as the doorman
Smiles insincerely…There’s nothing accidental
About a person’s station in life… Life is a
Consequence… And the doorman must face up
To the choices he has made…
The mayor slips into the back seat of a black limo
And wraps his arms around the staffer as if no
One can see inside… In the dark spaces and
Dubious places… In the back alleys where
Sexuality… Willingly or unwillingly merge in
Conquest or surrender… All while me too
Moments are doubted or dismissed because no
Seems to care…
The mayor will never get my vote…
I return to my Martini… Droplets of ice float
Benignly on a sea of vodka… Dinner arrives and
I eat alone… My wife would not join me here
Tonight… She wanted no part of this wake… She
Hates goodbyes… I respect her feelings, but I
Wish she were here just the same…
There is a moment of sadness as the check is
Delivered to the table… I tip the waitress amply…
Waiting tables can be hazardous duty and she
Should be rewarded… Especially on a night like
Tonight… A red and gold book of matches is
Tucked in with the bill… I grab it and shove it in
My shirt pocket… A souvenir… A relic to remind
Me that this place once existed long after it is
I pat Benjamin on the back as I make a move
For the door… He stops playing in the middle of
A song… He wishes me well with a handshake
And hug… No words are traded between us…
There’s nothing to say… I glance around the
Room looking for Angie and Nick, but they’re
Nowhere to be found… It’s not important
Anyway… They know how I feel…
My throat tightens and my palms sweat as I
Turn to take a final inventory of this place…
Sighs… Smiles… Tears… And laughter rise up
From tabletops where others grapple in their
Own way with the sadness… Like a death
Warrant, there’s a permit tacked to the door
That authorizes the razing of this place… A
Chill runs down my spine…
The valet sees me coming and retrieves my car…
He gives me a wink and a thumbs up as though
Everything is fine… But we both know that
Nothing will be same again as an office building…
Or a gym… Or a day care center will someday
Occupy this corner of the galaxy…
The engine turns over and I am gone…