
100 Black Men Of North Metro Atlanta Announce Inaugural Run For Tomorrow 5K

The 100 Black Men of North Metro Atlanta, Inc., announces the inaugural Run for Tomorrow 5K, to be held on Oct. 15 at Towne Center at Cobb. The 5K race is a major event in the 100 Black Men’s year-long 30th Anniversary Celebration.

Proceeds from the race will support the organization’s Men of Tomorrow Mentoring Program and the Kennesaw State University Collegiate 100. The Men of Tomorrow program serves youth ages 11-to-18. The Collegiate 100 is a campus-based organization that supports development of social, emotional, and educational needs of college students.

These programs focus on helping prepare students for life after their secondary or post-secondary education. The Run for Tomorrow is open to runners of all ages and abilities. “The Run is an amazing opportunity to kickstart or continue your personal health journey while supporting the 150 young men in our mentoring programs”, according to Dr. Arthur Vaughn, Event Director.

Presenting sponsor for the Run for Tomorrow is WellStar Health Systems and other major sponsors include Truist, Walgreens, Coca Cola United and Publix Supermarkets.


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