
Atlanta Business League Hosts 44th Annual CEO Awards Luncheon

For 90 years, the Atlanta Business League has worked to enhance the business community. Their annual CEO Awards Luncheon, in its 44th year, honors some of the top business leaders in Atlanta.

The 2023 honorees included Carol B. Tome´, CEO of UPS (Herman J. Russell CEO of the Year); David Tann, CEO Tantrum Agency (Entrepreneur of the Year); Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon, CEO of The Village Market (Trail Blazer Award); John Hope Bryant, CEO Operation Hope (Distinguished Service Award); Albert G. Edwards, CEO of CERM (Thomas W. Dortch, Jr. League Leadership Award).

Hosted by WSB’s Karyn Greer, the ceremony featured greetings by Tod Hutcheson, VP of Community Engagement at Delta Air Lines, and Tai Roberson, VP, Lead Philanthropy and Community Impact Specialist, Southeast Wells Fargo.

Atlanta Business League President & CEO, Leona Barr-Davenport, shared acknowledgments. And Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant gave the invocation.

“I want you to leave here inspired and engaged,” John Hope Bryant told the audience.

Dr. Lakeysha Hallmon also provided words of encouragement by saying, “You must be dedicated to your well being. You must be dedicated to truly being your sisters’ and brothers’ keeper in a tangible way. And you must understand that as it is given to you, you must be willing to pour it out.”

The Atlanta Business League was established in 1933 as an affiliante of the National Business League, founded by Dr. Booker T. Washington.


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