Surpassing their ambitious goals for the 2023 Thanksgiving Holiday Festival of Services, Hosea Helps expresses gratitude to sponsors like Kroger, Publix Supermarkets, Hormel, Coca-Cola, Arthur Blank Family Foundation, Georgia Power, Georgia Pacific, and Georgia Natural Gas. The festivities kicked off with the Drive-thru event at Hosea Helps Headquarters on November 18th, 2023, where 641 cars were served, reaching out to a remarkable total of over 1,280 individuals.
On a mission to meet the increasing needs of the community affected the most by the rising inflation and poverty rates, Hosea Helps, in collaboration with Aprons for Change and Georgia Standup, orchestrated an extraordinary Thanksgiving Day Dinner Distribution throughout the metro Atlanta area.
On Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 2023, in collaboration with Chef Tim Morgan’s “Apron’s for Change”, Hosea organized events focusing on Senior Citizens, serving a total of 680 individuals. Additionally, Hosea and its volunteers delivered food to 600 pre-registered individuals through their website (
The organization would like to give a special thanks to major food and financial donors for the home cooked Thanksgiving meals, including Chef Tim Morgan and Georgia Standup with Deb Scott.
After exhausting all planned distributions, their dedicated staff utilized Hosea’s regular operating inventory to meet the needs of another200 remaining families. With patience and passion, the 575 volunteers, spanning all ages, races, and religions, worked from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. As Rev. Hosea Williams taught, they aim to serve the people with pride, welcome them with honor, and leave them better than when they arrived.
“ As we move forward, Hosea remains committed to putting people first, offering not just food but love, encouragement, and hope for a better future. A heartfelt thank you to our volunteers, community partners, Hosea Helps, Inc. staff and Board, and the local and national press who helped us share our story. We extend our gratitude to God for His unwavering faithfulness. Hosea Helps, Inc. is gearing up for the Children’s Christmas Party on Christmas Day. For more information on how you can contribute, visit our website” – Mrs. Elizabeth Omilami,CEO of Hosea Helps
Feeding over 2500 families and individuals Hosea Helps extends a huge thank you to the city of Atlanta, for another year of service—giving a HAND UP, not a HANDOUT.
For more information on Hosea Helps and their upcoming events, please email All drop-offs of new unwrapped toys and funds can be made at our Headquarters: 2545 Forrest Hills Dr SW, Atlanta, GA 30315. Contact us at 404-755-3353.
To make your holiday donation at please visit