Just as every hit action show has to have that daredevil lead character, a prime ingredient in the recipe for success, it also has to have the spice that winning support team of diehards brings to the dish. The reboot of the 90’s hit “Macgyver” cleverly delivers the brand’s blend of experts living on the edge.

The show includes the all-important crew/ family mix of colorful characters, including that standout savant who appreciates the lights, the glamour and the finer things in life – the one with the swag.
Justin Hires is that guy, in the new hit CBS Action series “Macgyver.” Even if you’re a TV series purist and you don’t believe a sequel can ever measure up to the original, put your regular Friday 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. viewing fare on pause and give this show a good look.
“What’s special about this Macgyver is the heart … and that there is a family aspect,” explains Hires, who plays Bozer, Macgyver’s best friend and fellow smart guy in the series reboot. “There is a [different] dynamic … in the first MacGyver he was a lone wolf. Now we have this close-knit unit that supports each other. In each episode we talk about family and that’s something we can all relate to.”
Hires’ is an authentically caring and supportive cast member who frequently puts the spotlight on his fellow cast members and crew who he credits for the show’s success. “I always tell people Lucas Till is the real Macgyver. He actually knows how to do all of those cool tricks that we do on the show and make them work. But I am his go to guy, if he needs a wrench, I’m the one who hands it to him,” quips Hires.
A graduate of Clark Atlanta University, the actor-comedian-musician tends to understate his on and off-air accomplishments. While at CAU Hires appeared in two hit films; Stomp the Yard and The Gospel. Other credits include starring as Detective Carter in the CBS action-comedy “Rush Hour,” portraying Juario in the box office success 21 Jump Street, and recurring appearances on Comedy Central’s Key & Peele.
“[Producer] Will Packard actually put me in my first two films. I went on set to be a background actor and an actor-rapper didn’t show up [for his role] and Will and the director Rob Hardy asked me if I wanted to audition for a part. I started filming in the movie The Gospel the next day.”
After establishing himself as a legitimate actor with stellar performances in both The Gospel and Stomp the Yard, Hires took it to the next level. After earning a degree in mass media- radio, TV, and film from CAU he moved to Los Angeles to launch a career in stand-up comedy.
That strategy would put him on a trajectory to bigger and better roles from 21 Jump Street to “Macgyver.” Hires, who jokingly refers to himself as “The Reboot King” admits that he was bitten by the acting bug as a kid in his hometown of St. Petersburg, FL. “I grew up on martial arts films. I loved Bruce Lee and all the Jackie Chan movies,” he says of his unconventional foray into acting. “I decided I wanted to do what they do, so I became a black belt in karate. But then I had an epiphany and said I don’t want to do karate, I want to act!”
While Hires work over his 15 plus years in the entertainment industry does not include a voluminous body of work, his portfolio is an impressive collection of successes across live stage, film, television and every other entertainment platform. The strategy works.
“I pride myself on the quality of the work,” he concluded in a decidedly solid and determined tone.
On his real life DIY skills …
“My wife is probably better at the do it yourself stuff than I am. … And dad is the real Macgyver. He can fix anything. He can make a tool out of a paper clip and a stick and [use it] for mowing the yard to sewing. … I am a caller. I can go to Google and look anything up.”
Next up for Justin- conquering the hip-hop world. He recently released his debut hip-hop mixtape entitled Chapter 1: I Do This Too which is now available now on all music streaming platforms.
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