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Emmett Till


This Week In Black History August 28-September 3, 2024

Emmett Till and Carolyn Bryant Donham AP; Gene Herrick/AP

  • AUGUST 28

1955—The body of Emmett Till is recovered from the Talla­hatchie River near Money, Miss. The 14-year-old Chicago native had been kidnapped, tortured and murdered the previous day for allegedly whistling at a White woman. Till’s savage death be­came a rallying cry for the early Civil Rights Movement. Justice was never done in the case, how­ever. The two White men respon­sible for his death were found not guilty by an all-White Mississippi jury. But both men—Ron Bryant and J.W. Milam—a few months lat­er would brag in an interview with Look magazine that they indeed had killed Till.


DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. at the famous 1963 March on Washington. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tenn. (AP Photo)

1963—The historic March on Washington for Black rights takes place. It was the largest civil rights demonstration in American history, drawing people from throughout the nation to Washington, D.C. It was at this march that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.

  • AUGUST 29

1920—Jazz legend Charlie “Yardbird” Parker was born on this day in Kansas City, Mo. The saxophonist and composer was one of the leading and most influ­ential figures of the Jazz Age.

1924—Dinah Washington is born in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Her powerful voice would enable her to become one of the most influential singers of the 20th Century. Sadly, she died of a drug overdose in 1963.

1958—Michael Jackson is born on this day in Gary, Ind. The “King of Pop” was the seventh of nine children. He died June 25, 2009, apparently after being given a powerful drug to enable him to sleep.

1962—Mal Goode becomes America’s first Black network news commentator when he begins broadcasting for ABC Television on this day in 1962. He joined the Pittsburgh Courier in 1948, where he remained for 14 years.

  • AUGUST 30

1800—The Gabriel Prosser-led slave rebellion is stopped before it can start because of bad weath­er and betrayal by two slaves who told their White masters of the im­pending revolt. Gabriel had me­ticulously planned the rebellion and organized an estimated 1,000 slaves to participate in an attack on Richmond, Va. One historian described the 24-year-old, 6’3” rebel as “a fellow of courage and intellect above his rank in life.” Af­ter the betrayal, Gabriel and 15 of his co-conspirators were hanged on Oct. 10, 1800. (Note: Most his­tory texts refer to him as Gabriel Prosser, but, although he was a slave of Tomas Prosser, there is no indication that he ever used “Prosser” as his last name.)

1838—The first African American owned magazine, Mirror of Free­dom, begins publication on this day in New York City.

1966—Prominent civil rights at­torney Constance Baker Motley is confirmed to the U.S. District Court in New York. She thus became the first African American female to hold a seat on the federal bench. Motley had participated in the his­toric Brown v. Board of Education case which led to the desegrega­tion of the nation’s schools. She was also an advisor to civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Motley died in September 2005.

  • AUGUST 31

In this 1967 file photo, Baltimore Orioles outfielder Frank Robinson smiles. Hall of Famer Frank Robinson, the first Black manager in Major League Baseball and the only player to win the MVP award in both leagues, has died. He was 83. Robinson had been in hospice care at his home in Bel Air. MLB confirmed his death Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019.(AP Photo/File)

1935—Frank Robinson, the first African American to manage a major league baseball team, was born on this day in Beaumont, Tex­as. Robinson became player-man­ager of the Cleveland Indians in 1975. He kept the job for about a year. He became manager of the San Francisco Giants in 1980. Robison was the only player to win the MVP award in both leagues

2002—Jazz great Lionel Hampton died on this day at the age of 94. Hampton gained international fame as a “big band” leader and for his amazing abilities playing the vibraphone.


1975—General Daniel “Chappie” James becomes the nation’s first Black four-star general and takes command of the North American Air Defense Command. The posi­tion made him a key player in the nation’s nuclear defense system. James was born in Pensacola, Fla., and died at the relatively young age of 57 in 1978.


1977—Legendary actress and Blues and Gospel singer Ethel Waters dies at the age of 80 in Chatsworth, Calif. Born in Chester, Pa., Waters became the second African American in history to be nominated for an Academy Award. For many Blacks, however, she was best known for her singing. The song which gained her the greatest popularity was the spiritu­al “His Eye is on the Sparrow…So I know He Watches Me.”


1766—Post-colonial era Black leader James Forten is born on this day in 1766. Little is known to­day, but during that period he was one of the most prominent Black men in America. Born free in Phil­adelphia, Pa., he became a fierce anti-slavery activist, an inventor and successful businessman. In fact, the sail-making company he founded made him one of the wealthiest Black men in the nation. Forten and AME Church founder Richard Allen organized the First Convention of Color in 1817. He went back and forth on the issue of “re-Africanization,” which called for the return of Blacks to Africa. He financially supported Paul Cuf­fee’s venture in the West African nation of Sierra Leone, but he later turned against the American Col­onization Society and its efforts to return free American Blacks to the West African nation of Liberia.

1945—As World War II comes to an end, official records show 1,154,720 Blacks were inducted into the military services includ­ing 3,902 women. The highest ranking African American women during WWII were Majors Harriet M. West and Charity E. Adams.


1838—Frederick Douglass es­capes from slavery on Maryland’s Eastern Shore using so-called “free papers” and disguising him­self as a sailor. He would go on to become the most prominent an­ti-slavery activist and Black lead­er of his day. He is perhaps best remembered for his now famous 1857 quote: “If there is no struggle there is no progress…Power con­cedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” Free papers were documents normally required to be in the possession of all free Blacks. But one freedom tactic employed during slavery was for a slave to somehow bor­row the papers of a free Black who fit his or her general description and use the papers to escape from slavery.

1868—In an example of how briefly true freedom for Blacks lasted after slavery ended in 1865, the lower house of the Georgia legislature on this day in 1868 expelled 28 African Americans, employing a twisted argument that because they were Black they were not eligible to serve in the legislature even if they had been duly elected. Ten days later, the Georgia Senate followed suit and expelled three elected Blacks. But the U.S. Congress stepped in by refusing to seat the Georgia dele­gation if the Black representatives were not allowed to return to their seats.

1919—One of the nation’s first Black-owned movie companies— Lincoln Motion Pictures—releas­es its first full length feature film, “A Man’s Duty.” The company was owned by Noble Johnson and Clarence Brooks

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