Writer Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in writing for Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine; Black Atlanta’s No. 1 resource for information on business and the business lifestyle. Please read these guidelines carefully, as they are important to creating a successful relationship between us, and ultimately, with our reader.
Editorial Mission Statement — Since 1987, Atlanta Tribune has been providing our readers with ideas, viewpoints and solutions in the areas of wealth building, technology, careers, entrepreneurship and politics. Our audience is progressive, community-involved and culturally aware executives, professionals and entrepreneurs.
Our Editorial Focus — The primary editorial focus of Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine is the business lifestyle, which includes topics that impact our readers’ lives from professional to leisure. Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine does not publish poetry, fiction or unsolicited editorials. Such submissions/queries will not be acknowledged.
Freelance Opportunities — Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine is approximately 50 percent freelance written and we welcome queries from experienced freelancers. We assign freelance articles as cover stories and inside features.
Submitting Queries — Article queries on subjects appropriate to Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine are always welcome. Unsolicited manuscripts are not accepted. Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine does not publish syndicated columns or stories that have run in other publications. All features, cover stories and profiles published in Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine are original materials written exclusively for Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine.
If you have not written for us before, be sure to include a current resume and no less than three, but no more than five samples of your previously published, business-oriented works. These items should be submitted via e-mail. Writers with specific story ideas should submit a query via e-mail that clearly and persuasively answers the following questions:
1. What is your story idea and why is it newsworthy?
2. How and why is the story significant to Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine’s readers?
3. What specific insights about the topic will your story deliver?
4. What primary and secondary sources will you use for reporting the story?
5. What experience have you had as a freelance writer, and why are you qualified to handle this assignment? An exceptional query will convince us that your article is a must-read for Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine’s audience.
Publication Rights — Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine purchases all print and electronic rights to all assigned articles. We purchase first North American serial rights, electronic rights and non-exclusive reprint rights to articles submitted on speculation.
How to Contact Us — All queries and any questions concerning these Writers’ Guidelines or other editorial policies should be directed to Editorial via e-mail at editorial@atlantatribune.com.
All submissions should be sent directly to the attention of the editor.
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