By Katrice L. Mines, Editor
[email protected]
Producing The Young Executive Issue is flat out exciting. As much as I am enriched each month that I’m able to absorb the wisdom of senior and seasoned professionals, I am equally inspired by the fresh and innovative perspectives of my peers. Atlanta’s rising crop of “next up” decision makers is ready and waiting to further the mantle of their predecessors across the black business landscape of Atlanta — whether in corporate, entrepreneurial or civic work. The common ground — community; there’s always something organically evident with successful people that you’ll be able to align with their commitment to community building. The theme that threads every issue of AT, sowing and reaping, emerges again this month from one story to the next whether a guiding principle that has been employed or advice received from a mentor.
Google Fiber’s Fabiola Charles Stokes has learned to make use of a bit of discomfort in her professional progression to keep her sharp while Tayo Adeyefa has reached for Steven Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” a time or two. Kevin Gooch has been driven by mentorship — his undertaking at BEST Academy High School helping to cultivate a young mind is a point of pride. And Phoebe Palmer Coquerel would like to be known for enabling the success of others.
Myleik Teele, founder and CEO of curlBOX, shares poignant advice on getting where you want in your career. She recommends, “Give yourself plenty of time.” You’ll want to take notes here.
And if you don’t already have a mentor, we certainly suggest that you take it into consideration. To give you a tease of what you’re missing out on, we asked some of our readers to share the best advice they’ve received from their mentors. Good stuff. AT
In This Issue:
They Got Next
By Katrice L. Mines and
Kamille D. Whittaker
High-performing, ambitious
and ready to take over.
Leveraging Millennial Power
By Jacqueline Holness
How the next generation is
taking the torch.
Self-Motivation 101
By Leah Stone
Be your own cheerleader.
Insights from
the Way Up
By Myleik Teele
Pro tips from Myleik Teele
of curlBOX notoriety.
Mentor Advice
Lessons that last.
Where Are They Now
Meet the interns who found their footing first at Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine.
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