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Sen. Warnock Putting Care and Families First

Sen. Warnock Putting Care and Families First: Stories From Georgia Voters Highlight Role Care Issues Will Play in Runoff Election

Testimonials from Georgia Demonstrate Voters Support Sen. Warnock Because He Is Working To Make Child Care, Elder Care and Prescription Drugs More Affordable and Pass Paid Family and Medical Leave

Atlanta, Georgia – With early voting in the runoff election officially underway, the Family Friendly Action PAC (FFA PAC) launched a storybook highlighting the role kitchen table economic issues are playing for voters in Georgia. The testimonials from across the state demonstrate that voters are supporting Sen. Raphael Warnock because he will continue working to bring down the cost of child care, elder care and prescription drugs and pass paid family and medical leave.

In the general election, FFA PAC ran a $2.4 million voter contact program across north and metro Atlanta, knocking on over 242,190 doors and engaging in over 40,500 unique conversations with voters. Since the runoff began, FFA PAC has knocked on over 183,000 doors and had over 37,100 unique conversations with voters.

“Families across Georgia are struggling,” said Keauna Gregory, Georgia state director for the Family Friendly Action PAC. “The people we’ve talked to want real leaders who understand the challenges families are facing and will fight to make child care, elder care and prescription drugs more affordable. They know there is only one candidate in this race who stands ready to do that: Sen. Raphael Warnock. These stories clearly demonstrate that working families have Sen. Warnock’s back, because he has theirs.”

The story of Charamie, a single mom from Georgia and one of the voters featured in the storybook, illustrates the challenges families across the country are facing:

Charamie Howard is a single mom to 13-year-old Maleena and for as long as she can remember, finding affordable, reliable child care in Georgia has been one of the more difficult aspects of parenthood. … Because Charamie is a wage worker and has limited control over her schedule, she’s been forced to turn down lucrative job opportunities when child care didn’t fit the schedule. … 

… Charamie is supporting Senator Raphael Warnock because she believes he cares about working families and understands how difficult things are for people doing the best they can to provide for their families.

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