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Ho Ho NO!

By Ramese Long

The holiday season is almost here. More often than not this means all bets are off until we get through this holiday season and fool ourselves again in January with a new New Year’s resolution. Sound accurate?

I’m aware of the obstacles you face as the end of the year approaches. Office parties, school parties, birthday parties, vacations, weddings, holiday parties, and a party to plan the next party, however, since we both recognize the elephant in the room, let’s see if we can strike a deal.

Let‘s make a deal using The Rule of 3. Remember, The Rule of 3 is about gathering and sustaining momentum in the three main areas of fitness: food, strength and cardiovascular training. With that being said, let’s look at the remaining three months of the year.

This is so simple…a piece of cake. Mmm… generally speaking. When we convert a month into weeks, we do so using a four-week cycle, so take a look at your personal calendar and plan your workout routine around upcoming vacations, holiday parties, children parties, etc. Once you’ve identified the obstacles, look at every week in the remaining three months and pick the best three out of four weeks in each month where you can maintain your fitness routine. Mark those weeks ON, then look at the fourth week in each month and denote those weeks OFF. During your ON weeks, stick to your normal workout routine (assuming you have a routine) in all three areas: food, strength and cardio training. Now, during your OFF weeks you can take the week off, if you choose.

How simple is that? Remember, this tip is designed to keep fitness on your mind and maintain a routine without feeling overwhelmed during the holidays. One more thing, I do realize you may have some getaways or parties in the middle of your ON week, but guess what? Stick to the plan.

I want you to maintain your momentum and keep you from gaining weight during the hHolidays. It’s getting colder outside, right? You have candy, drinks, food, family and friends who put the capital T in temptation during this time of the year. I can relate, but how do you want to feel come January? Do you want to enter the new year (which will be here very fast) regretting the holiday season and another 5-10 lbs when you could have stuck to this simple routine and at least “maintained?” Who knows, you could decide to work harder than last year and improve! The choice is always yours. Do someTHIN!

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