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The Editor’s View: A Better Me

By Katrice L. Mines, Editor
[email protected]

I never thought I was overweight, per se. I’d look down, occasionally, in some jeans and wish my thighs looked “different.” I let my gym membership go a few years ago when the price was inching up and never looked for a more affordable alternative. And I’ll be honest right here — I don’t much enjoy working out. So, I’ll say right up front: this editorial is not about that.

It’s actually about how I’ve tried to embrace a mindset of wellness in terms of actively taking care of myself (and how I lost 27 pounds in the midst of it). 

In October 2012, two major things happened in my life: one of my mentors died and I found a lump in my breast. I was in an immediate tailspin. To manage my stress and anxiety (which often showed up as heartburn and sleeplessness), I stopped eating ice cream and started trying to be more active as an outlet. I also started eating oatmeal for breakfast every morning, which was major for me because I rarely ate breakfast …

Read the rest of The Editor’s View here:


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