Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine will hold a reception on Wednesday, March 8, 2017, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at The Commerce Club to celebrate Women’s History Month and salute the accomplishments of the phenomenal women featured in the March 2017 Superwomen Issue. The annual event recognizes “Superwomen” and “Women to Watch” who, combined with their list of accomplishments, accolades and board memberships as well as their ability to balance work and family, make an impact on Atlanta life, culture, business and the next generation of decision makers.
The reception kicks off a series of year-round events to raise funds to support the George A. Lottier Scholarship Foundation Internship Program which has, to date, awarded over $200,000 in scholarships and internships to students of color interested in the fields of communication, journalism, graphic design and marketing.
Tiara Cole, a senior Print Journalism student from Clark Atlanta University, has been selected as the Spring 2017 Editorial Intern. For 10 weeks, she will work closely with Atlanta Tribune’s editorial department to learn all aspects of the print and digital publishing process. Cole joins a growing list of Atlanta Tribune internship understudies who have gone on to become accomplished journalism and media practitioners.
2017 SUPERWOMEN: Audrey Boone-Tillman, Theia Washington-Smith, Marvy Moore, Kali Wilson Beyah, Tracey Lloyd, RaShonda Harris, Helena Clemons, Brenda Reid, Shan Cooper, Petrina McDaniel and Jan Lennon
2017 WOMEN TO WATCH: Lori Flowers, Keya Grant, Jamila M. Hall, Marva Lewis, Dara Mann, Mercedes Miller, Ann Milner, Scarlet Pressley-Brown, Judge Penny Brown Reynolds, Sheri Riley, Theresa Spralling, Brenda Usher and Stephanie White
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