“We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Bill Taggart, a beloved colleague, father and friend. For the past two years, Bill devoted himself wholeheartedly to Morehouse College. We are eternally grateful for his loyal support, counsel and the leadership he provided to students, faculty and alumni,” Morehouse released in a statement. “Throughout his tenure, Bill had a positive impact on Morehouse College and the Greater Atlanta Business Community. He leaves behind a long legacy of compassion, integrity and devotion. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.”
Taggart was officially named as interim president in April following the departure of former president John Silvanus Wilson. The Howard University alumnus and former president and CEO of Atlanta Life Financial Company joined the Morehouse administration in July 2015 as the campus’ chief operating officer, with executive oversight of the school’s fundraising operations. Taggart pledged a move forward for the College that embraced a pivot from the issues that drew national headlines to the College this past Spring.
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