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Chat w/ Daniel Blackman, partner at Blackman Davis Hughes

My most useful quirk is that I am still getting the hang of American jargon, so I google way too much. For instance, I googled “quirk” so that I know for sure what you mean.

What instantly improves your mood? A warm bath with natural peppermint bath soap

Rewind, fast forward, stop or start: Start — because I can always learn from the past and now to be able to start over or have a new perspective.

I love to waste time watching music videos

My most fearless moment is when I look at my 6-month-old son and know that I must be fearless in everything to be an example for him.

What is something that everyone should do at least once in their lives? Live in a different country.

One setback I turned into a win was Having my first baby and moving I had to trim down my business. In that process, it turned out that I gained more qualified clients and revenue increased while working fewer hours.

A must-have in my fridge: Eggs…easy and simple go-to food.

In two years, I want to be better balanced in my personal life.

My go-to wellness tactic is 30 minutes of exercise daily to help clear my mind and manage stress.

What book is on your shortlist to read? “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham.

Did you choose your profession or did it choose you? A bit of both. I love business because of that what I saw while growing up and I had my first accounting class because I failed chemistry. I started accounting to replace my science classes and thought it was a fit for me after a few classes.

When I feel most productive, I am most productive when I am plan out my day the night before. I wake with a mission and things off my list of the day.

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