by Geoffrey P. Jones
He still can be found in the garden
From which he was taken so very
Long ago… A robe can be seen
Flowing gently in the wind as the
Half-light of dawn illuminates the path
To all redemption for those who can
I often sit alone at night and think of
You… I have doubted your existence
As any sane man has… Time and again
I have doubted… For logic can only deny
Your mission… Yet it is true that logic
Cannot be employed to understand
And grasp that which by design defies
All reason… And thus the true meaning
Of faith is revealed…
The ages have faded but not so the
Legions… A ripple of truth has wrought
Wave after wave… The garden is barren
From which you were taken, but the
Dominion of light has spread to the sea…
I someday will fall into doubt once again
In a moment of weakness I beg to avert…
But faith will prevail over frailty and
Logic… And again I will confirm my