By Geoffrey Jones
I don’t know how I got here… I suppose my
Parents had sex… I understand the process
Well and practice it as often as my wife will
Allow… And sometimes I practice alone…
But the thought of my parents connected
Below the waist is more than my mind can
Handle… Working up a sweat and writhing in
Ecstasy is not my preferred way of imagining
Them together… I try not to think about it
But here I am… Living proof that they tussled
At least once… In a one-bedroom apartment
On Van Nostrand Street… In Jersey… Where
My father worked on the docks and Sinatra
Made a scene…
But life began elsewhere for me…
I am Oliver Wells or so the toe tag says…
It’s cold and dark in this drawer, but what
The hell… I’m elsewhere… Not really here…
Alone and floating somewhere in the ether…
Looking down at this farce in amazement
That anyone should care about anything at
And why should we give a damn… About
The proceedings and the daily goings-on…
It won’t change a thing… We all land up like
This sooner or later… Stuck in a drawer…
Spare change in God’s pocket… Forced to
Witness the mess we have created… High
Drama… And a few laughs along the way…
Radiant Red moves slowly down a dimly lit
Hallway to a dorm room where the ambush
Has been set… Scarlet tresses flow… A hunter
Green dress with paisley sleeves reveals almost
As much as it hides… Her eyes search for the
Number on my door… She finds my room…
And there was nothing before… And very little
Since… That she didn’t create or birth on her
A steamy afternoon spent in a musty room…
At the Twin Lakes Motor Lodge… On Route 4
Not too far from the bridge… That was all
It took… And it was there that our fate was
Sealed forever…
And that is where life really began…
A priest is hovering over the drawer in which I
Have been stored like a loaf of rye in a bread
Box… He doesn’t think I can hear him…
“Rest in peace”, he mumbles… “God willing”, he
How pithy… How concise… Not much of a
Benediction… A lousy farewell… Thank you
Very much…
The priest tried, I guess… But what the hell…
I’m here… Out of the rat race… My playing days
Are over… But it’s time to sit back and watch the
Game… Extra innings would have been nice… But
It’s the umpire’s call to make… And the bleacher
Seats are just fine with me…
I guess I’ve always known… But never really
Accepted… That things would come to this…
But here I am…
“Oliver. Wake up. You’re having a nightmare,”
Radiant Red says with great concern.
“I’m shivering and sweating like a pig”, I tell
her. “My God. It was awful. I thought I was
“I know. I know”, Red comforts me. “But Ollie
you’re alive. Can you feel my hand, honey?
I’m not going anywhere. You’re alive.”
I breathe easily but fear lingers… There’s so
Much I still want to do… Need to do… And it
Scares me to death that I’ll run out of time…
It’s a quarter to midnight on New Year’s Eve
And there’s no turning back…
But a dream like that… In a drawer sporting
A toe tag… Will fix your mind right quick… It’s
A wake-up call if ever there was one… And
It’s amazing how smart and insightful we
Suddenly become when a dream… Or the
Practical realities of everyday life… Remind
Us that there is no escape…
And that all of us… Each of us… Are artists in
Mayhem… Desperately searching for ways to
Express our true selves… While knowing full
Well that the tide is turning and will sweep
Us out to sea…
Better get the ball rolling… Better get your
Ass off the couch…
But there’s hope as we grow old… As we
Age and grow wiser with the years… And
It’s a wonderful thing to watch as shallow
Souls in beautiful bodies become beautiful
Souls in aging shells…
“Everything’s okay, Ollie. Sleep tight… I’ll
see you in the morning”, Radiant Red
I close my eyes and drift off…
Cuffy’s sells tee shirts in Chatham… Down
The block from the Impudent Oyster where
We celebrate anniversaries and sunsets…
Where the family gathers for graduations and
Wakes and such… Radiant Red sports a Red
Sox cap while I sit on a curb sipping warm
Beer from a tea cup… A fire truck passes
The Wayside Inn like a parade float in July…
Radiant Red waves for me to join her inside
Cuffy’s but I can’t open the door… It’s locked…
I push my shoulder against it in panic… I hate
Being separated from her like this…
A sorcerer in three-piece suit motions me
Inside while holding up a tee shirt and a
Key… A water fountain spouts obscenities
And threats… As a cash register won’t stop
Ringing even though there’s no one waiting
In line…
Jimmy G curses under his breath as he
Scrapes chewing gum from the bottom of
His shoe with a popsicle stick… A timid voice
From the distant past urges me to call God
For help… From a pay phone that charges
A thousand bucks for a local call… But long
Distance calls are always free…
Radiant Red fades away with tears in her
Eyes… She’s pushing a baby stroller out
Cuffy’s back door while steadying herself
With an ivory cane… She slowly turns and
Waves good-bye… I smile sadly… Weakly…
And thank her for the hunter green dress
With the paisley sleeves… Cuffy’s will never
Be the same…
Nor will I…
“Jesus Ollie. Wake up”, Radiant Red shakes my
pillow. “Is it something you ate for dinner. What
gives”, she asks.
“It’s weird”, I tell her. “I don’t’ know what
the hell’s going on with all these goddamned
“Go back to sleep, hon. It’s the middle of the
night”, she says. She turns over and takes most
of the blanket with her.
“I’ll try,” I tell her.
The pewter light from a three-quarter moon
Passes through an errant cloud and seeps into
The room.
I nod off again…
The sorcerer in the three-piece suit stands
At the foot of my bed… He holds a fountain
Pen in one hand and a legal pad in the other…
There’s a negotiation going on… There’s a
Deal he wants to make… But I’m not buying…
He reads a poem an English teacher once
Asked me to recite in class… I hated her for
This… But the poem has stuck with me for
All these years… It made little sense to me
Then… But now I understand… The tone of
The sorcerer’s voice is both promising and
Pessimistic… It’s a matter of perspective I
Time clocks and watches
Speed trials and heats
Of hourglass madness
In the throes of defeat
Of calendar pages
In decades and years
Of meaningless banter
In crocodile tears
Votive lights flicker
On whispering seas
Eternal indifference
In a season’s reprise
Heartbeats and corpses
In cradles and graves
Liturgical frenzy
In souls to be saved
Another day closer
To pending demise
Of faint absolution
In a sinner’s disguise
Sun dial regalia
In a blue harvest moon
Vainglorious relic
In Magdalene’s womb
Vibrant todays
Die frigid and cold
While waiting for peace
In misery sold
While betting today
On new years to come
A soul should be shaken
To find there are none
Thank God… The sun rises… Radiant Red is
Still sleeping… She rests comfortably on a
Satin pillow… Her hair arrayed around her
Like a scarlet halo…
I’m exhausted from the turmoil of the night…
These dreams…These goddamned dreams…
And sleep has become a panorama of anger
And joy… A gallery of images, oddities, terrors,
And amusements that make no sense to me…
There’s no need to rise as Red lies in bed
Without a whimper… Wrapped in the blanket…
And out like a light… I close my eyes again
To steal a few extra minutes of sleep… And
Here we go… The sorcerer returns…
In a sudden twist of random birth
I arrived without a fear
Consigned to a world of imperfection
In the echo of a mother’s tear
In major phases of awkward growth
I stumbled often along the way
With disrespect I boldly challenged
All my father had to say
Standing tall and posturing grandly
Denying fear with cautious hope
That all this rage defies an age
Where living means to barely cope
In restless peace I acquiesce
My brittle bones have brandished swords
Without regret or validation
I disappear in silent chords
Radiant Red rustles and kicks the blanket off
The bed.
“Oliver, wake up”, she says.
And I do…
She wipes the sleep from her eyes and slowly
Plants herself on the bedroom floor… She
Reaches for the heavens and stretches loudly.
I kiss her on the forehead. Red kisses me back.
“And so… did you sleep well last night”, she
Asks with only a minor hint of sarcasm.
I don’t answer.
The day breaks… I yawn… Coffee is brewing…
And the morning paper waits to be retrieved
From the front porch…
“Good morning Mr. Wells”, a kid on a bike
shouts as he peddles his way to school.
A Catholic girl in a plaid skirt and navy blazer
Waits for a school bus that will soon whisk
Her away to St. Cecelia’s for theology class…
And other subjects that will manipulate and
Blow her mind…
A neighbor proudly waters his lawn in his
Bathrobe and slippers… A very important man
In a three-piece suit passes by on the way to
Anderson Street Station… You can tell he’s
Very important because he never ever smiles…
A station wagon full of kids fails to come to a
Full stop at the intersection and barely misses
The boy on the bike…
I sip coffee from a mug I bought at Cuffy’s last
Summer… My mind wanders… What else is there
To do… And this is the stuff of dreams… And this
Is where life begins…
Across the asphalt plane he danced
With arms outstretched as though
He were flying… Dodging cars on the
Searing pavement… Dressed in rags
And humility…As people stared and
Ridiculed… While failing to see the
Beauty of his gift…
Promises are forgotten and memories
Fade away… As he digs down deep to
Recall who he was… Ah yes… The
Archaeology of Being… And the lyrics of
His lifetime are lost… Trapped inside like
An insect in amber… While he searches
For hints and clues…
But sometimes the answers are found
In the questions… And sometimes there
Are no answers at all…
And there is no way home from here…
Awash in a sea of uncertainty he drifts
Alone… Where men often lie… But
Seldom do they listen…
To the Pilgrim determined to fly…
And it’s all good…
Radiant Red arranges her hair in a gilded
Mirror that hangs in the foyer… But she is
Not about vanity…
Her beauty and her life are quite the same…
No fuss… No bother… No adornment… Red
Is simply Red… She grabs a sweater and heads
Out the door for a walk in the mist… I watch
Her as she turns the corner and disappears…
Everyone is at peace… Everything is perfectly
Aligned… The world is in order… Exquisitely
Balanced… Or so it casually seems…
At least until Oliver Wells places his head on
A pillow and retires for the night…
Before submitting to the fear and the joy…
Before drifting off into a dream…
As Radiant Red whispers, “Sleep tight…”
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