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A Message from DeKalb County Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson – VIDEO

DeKalb County Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson, Super District 7 is heralded for her positive initiatives in economic development, education, public safety and home ownership. Following Tuesday’s Georgia primary in which Cochran-Johnson finished as the front-runner with 46 percent of the vote, will face former county Commissioner Larry Johnson in the June 18 run-off for DeKalb County CEO.

Dekalb County Super District 7 Commissioner Lorraine Cochran-Johnson with Operation HOPE founder and CEO John Hope Bryant and District 7 Chried of Staff G. Leah Davis

Cochran Johnson who was featured in a New York Times article for her winning efforts to mitigate crime and abate nuisances surrounding single box development stores in the county, is also a Champion for Housing Community Development Award winner was also named the 2023 Elected Official of the Year by American Public Works Association.

As Chair of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee she has exercised remarkable fiscal accountability which has resulted in $92,032,057.67 in revenue savings to taxpayers.

Ahead of the June 18 primary election, Cochran-Johnson released this message:

“I was once told the four most important words in the American vocabulary is, “The people have spoken.” On Tuesday, DeKalb residents spoke loud and clear. You voted for change and a new direction. When you spoke, I received slightly over 46 percent of the vote and carried the majority vote in 156 out of 191 precincts. We are poised for victory and a new day in DeKalb, however we did not reach the 50 percent threshold needed for an outright victory, so we must return to the polls on June 18 to finish what we started.

As the junior candidate in the race, many politicos were shocked by the high number of votes I received, but the truth is I have simply outworked my opponents and your vote reflects my effort. My race proved endorsements nor money control election outcomes – people do. I have a solid track-record of action and delivery. I have stood for you and now it is time you stand for me.

Please share my campaign with your neighbors, friends, and family. We must finish the task at hand so I can reimagine DeKalb and move us progressively forward to materialize the DeKalb we all know is possible – with hard work.

Although victory is near, we must not rest.


Cochran-Johnson assures residents she will work harder than ever to ensure victory for DeKalb County residents and businesses.

Contact her office today to receive literature and information for community canvassing or to host a CEO Yard Party or CEO Meet and Greet. Please make plans today to return to the polls for early voting June 10 through June 14 and on voting day June 18.

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