By Kelli Bennett, Editorial Intern
Louisiana has quickly made its way to the top my “Favorite States” list; not because of Bourbon Street or the mouth-watering jambalaya but because of the new law Louisiana passed requiring sex offenders and child predators to state their criminal history of social networks.
Find below the law’s exact verbiage:
“Shall include in his profile for the networking website an indication that he is a sex offender or child predator and shall include notice of the crime for which he was convicted, the jurisdiction of conviction, a description of his physical characteristics… and his residential address.”
A blessing to parents residing in Louisiana, it’s time for other states to get on board. CNN reports that this new requirement will go into effect August 1.
Though social networks have worked to remove sex offenders, it is impossible for administrators to catch every registered sex offender. Now, this new Louisiana Law will catch those who’ve slipped through the network’s fingers and prevent any electronic betrayal in the future.
As you can tell, I believe this is a great move towards child safety. I was a fan of the sex offender database though it was frightening to see the number of sex offenders living in surrounding areas; it is an inevitable truth we have to accept.
Hopefully more states will follow in Louisiana’s footsteps.
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