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Fresh Eyes

Make Mondays Great Again

By Tra’Keiyah Carter, Editorial Intern

If you are looking for a quick fix for your everlasting Monday Blues, this is not that. This is not to tell you what food to eat or what exercise routine to practice to make your Mondays great again. We already know what we should not digest, and we are well aware that exercise helps prolong our life.

We are living in a time where we are practically trained to hate Mondays and as the week goes on we painfully count the days like counting sheep, until Friday comes. “Living for the weekend” is not a long-term strategy. Monday is not the enemy. We have all heard the phrase “Great things don’t come from comfort zones.” But we dedicate 5 out of 7 days of our life to a job we’re “comfortable” in, no matter if there is no comfort there at all. For many, Monday is the “beginning” of another cycle of imbalance. If you’re not chasing your dreams, Monday is a weekly reminder of things you aren’t doing right. I’d hate that, too. While there are many ways to incorporate a little of Friday into your daily routine, Monday gets no love. But Monday is when you get down to business, and we all know Fridays would be nothing without the job that pays us for Monday. Luckily for you, making Monday everyday can ultimately make your Fridays last longer.

What am I saying?

In the words of Atlanta’s favorite duo, Outkast, “You need to get up, get out, and get something.” Your boss loves Monday; have you ever wondered why? It is very likely that he or she transform many of their Fridays to a Monday’s way of thinking, and can now enjoy the fruits of their labor whenever they please. And I don’t mean they wake up early enough for breakfast and their morning jogs, either. Here is a very simple starter packet for making Mondays great again:


  1. Find your niche. Many people struggle with this because they spend so much of their lives doing what they’re told that they’re not even sure what they actually like. Start by identifying your interests and passions. What makes you feel whole? What problems do you always seem to find a solution for? This can range from knowing what not to wear to knowing how the stock market works.


  1. Determine profitability for your niche. There is nothing like getting paid for something that comes natural to you. How can doing what you love make you money? It is very difficult to think of a completely new idea, so figure out how your possible competition gets paid.


  1. Start. There is never a right time. There will always be something not quite right about your product or service. However, you will learn more through experience than you will through research. Use the friends and family you already have and gain not only clients, but also skill.


Now that you have something to do, how can we “Make Mondays Great Again”?

It’s very simple. Work. The more Mondays you have today will give you more Fridays tomorrow. Start by trying to match the eight hours you give to your boss as much as you can to your own brand. You will gradually come to see Monday as the beginning of opportunity and not just the beginning of another countdown to the weekend. With a little dose of the proper Monday mentality in your daily routine, your weekend lifestyle will come sooner and last longer.

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